June Recap
We are halfway through 2023 and we have done so much! Although rainy and gloomy, we had a fun yoga session at Green Lake during our last Clean & Cruise. Thank you to Karina from the True Adventure Collective for leading our yoga session and for our volunteers who stuck it out in the rain. If you're looking for a badass yoga/hiking retreat, you should check out True Adventure Collective's retreats!
Our Shellibrating Ocean Science with Sea-Bird Scientific event at Surf Ballard was very informative. We learned so much! Thank you to our guest speaker and our hosts. Sea-Bird Scientific also has some awesome job opportunities for our ocean-loving friends. We can't wait for the rest of 2023!
July Chapter Meeting
Join us for our July Chapter Meeting: Tini Sensors, Big Impact with our guest speaker Kim Martini from Tini Scientific! We will be meeting at Urban Surf on Tuesday July 18th from 6:30pm to 8pm. Children and dogs are welcome! RSVP is encouraged but not required.
Armed with expertise in oceanography, ecology, technology, and pop culture, Tini Scientific is creating new data sources with low-cost sensors. Please give our guest speaker a big Seattle Surfrider welcome by coming out next Tuesday!
July Cleanups
Unfortunately, we will be cancelling our
July Clean & Cruise. However, we do need some extra volunteers to help us at a private beach clean up we are hosting on Wednesday
July 19th from 9am - 11am at Goose Beach. If you are available to help unload gear, set up, check in volunteers, or take down gear, please reach out to
events@seattle.surfrider.org to learn more.
Open Volunteer Position
We are looking for leaders in our community who are dedicated to protecting our ocean, beaches, and waves and who want to get more involved with the Seattle Surfrider Chapter! We have a an open volunteer position that we would love to fill as soon as possible. Currently, the open volunteer position is Vice Chair. If you are interested in learning more about this volunteer position, please see our social media or you can email Chair@seattle.surfrider.org.
Mind the Zone
The city of Seattle is raising awareness of the seaplane buoys in Lake Union focusing on lake and boat safety. Please share with your community and click here if you want to learn more information.